Rabu, 21 Juli 2021


Istilah ekspresi-ekspresi untuk menanyakan sebuah informasi kepada seseorang disebut Asking Information dan sedangkan, Giving Information adalah ekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan atau menyampaikan suatu informasi.


In Formal Situation

  • Could you lend me some …?
  • Would you like …?
  • Could you tell me about…
  • I’d like to know…
  • Could you find out where …?
  • I wonder if you could tell me…?
  • I wonder if someone could tell me…?
  • Could you tell me how to get …?
  • I’d like to know what you think about …
  • I wonder if you could tell me why …?
  • I wonder if you could tell me about …?
  • I am so sorry, but can you explain in the little more detail about it?
  • Would you happen to know…?
    Would you mind to tell me about …?

In Informal Situation

  • Will you …?
  • Shall we watch this …?
  • D’you know…
  • (Got / Have you) any idea…?
  • Could anyone tell me…?
  • Do you happen to know…?
  • I don’t suppose you (would) know…?
  • Do you know that …?
  • Do you know how much is …?
  • Do you happen to know where to buy …?
  • Can you tell me what the time is?
  • Do you have any idea how to use this machine?
  • Do you know what happen in our country?
  • Can anyone tell me what happen?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Where is the …?
  • When will you finish your project?
  • Why did you come to my house last night?
  • Who kicks the ball?
  • Shall I bring you some flowers to get you more better?

Aturan dalam Asking for Information
Memulai kalimat tanya dengan WH Questions, seperti What, Where, Why, When, Who, dan How. Bisa juga memulai awal pertanyaan menggunakan Modal Auxiliaries, seperti: Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, Must, May, Might, Had to.


  • This is Ahmad.
  • I am Clarissa.
  • I am great.
  • We are from California.
  • In his room It’s this way.
  • On your right.
  • Turn left and it is beside Raya’s Hospital.
  • Not so far, just 1 kilometer from here. Etc.


Percakapan 1

Brother            : When does the movie start? 
Sister               : I think it’s at 8. 
Brother            : Check, will you? 
Sister               : You’re so lazy. Just a second. 
Brother            : Thanks sis. 
Sister               : Yes, it starts at 8.

Percakapan 2

Mr. Renno       : Excuse me, may I sit down near you, let me introduce myself, my name is Renno. I am a                              new staff here.
Mr. Gio           : With my pleasure , let take a seat. My name is Giovany. Welcome to our company which                             has many regulation.
Mr. Renno       : Could you be little more specific?
Mr. Gio           : You have to come 15 minutes before 8 morning everyday and leave the office after. You can                          not use the cellphone every time when you are working and other policy.
Mr. Renno       : I see because I have ever worked in another company too. Thank for your information.


FormulaQuestion WordExample Finish
Could you tell mewhenthe next train leaves?
Do you knowhow muchthat vase costs?
Do you happen to knowwhereTom lives?
I'd like to knowwhatyou think about the new project.
Could you tell mewhenthe next train leaves?
Could you find outwhenshe is going to arrive?
Customer             : Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find menswear
Shop Assistant    : Sure. Menswear is on the second floor. 
Customer             : Oh, also, could you tell me where sheets are. 
Shop Assistant    : No problem, sheets are on the third floor at the back. 
Customer             : Thanks for your help. 
Shop Assistant    : My pleasure. 
Brother                 : When does the movie start? 
Sister                    : I think it’s at 9. 
Brother                 : Check, will you? 
Sister                    : You’re so lazy. Just a second. 
Brother                 : Thanks sis. 
Sister                    : Yes, it starts at 9.

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