Minggu, 08 Agustus 2021


 Simple Past Tense

Gunakan Simple Past Tense untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi dan berakhir/selesai dilakukan di waktu lampau pada waktu tertentu.

Seperti pada contoh diatas “I lost my key last week” , adverb last week membantu menjelaskan bahwa kejadian tersebut  terjadi pada waktu tertentu.

Penanda waktu yang umum untuk Simple Past Tense: last night, last year, yesterday, today, ago, first, then, later, when.

Pola kalimat Simple Past Tense:

Verbal sentences:

  • (+)  Subject + Verb2
  • (-)   Subject + did + not + Verb1  
  • (?)  Did + Subject + Verb1?

Nominal sentence:

  • (+)  Subject + to be (was/were) + O/C
  • (-)   Subject + to be (was/ were) + O/C  
  • (?)  To be (was/ were) +Subject + O/C?


  1. Ammar and Ameera were arguing about something when I walked into the room. (Ammar dan Ameera sedang berdebat tentang sesuatu ketika aku masuk ke kamar)
  2. Iqbal wasn't at home when I came, he was in his office. (Iqbal tidak di rumah ketika saya datang, dia di kantornya)
  3. I was surprised when I saw him wore a woman dress. (Saya terkejut ketika saya melihatnya mengenakan pakaian wanita)

Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense merupakan suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lalu tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang. Tense ini terdiri dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau) dan bingkai waktu present (masa sekarang).

Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir di masa lampau tetapi efeknya masih dirasakan sampai saat sekarang. Lebih singkatnya, tense ini digunakan sebagai penghubung antara masa lalu dan masa sekarang.

 Penggunaan umum Present Perfect Tense:

1. Menyatakan kejadian atau tindakan yang berulang.

Ketika suatu tindakan terjadi lebih dari satu kali di masa lalu, gunakan

contoh: I have seen this movie three times.

2. Umumnya digunakan dengan kata for dan since

·       for diikuti a duration of time (durasi waktu) seperti for 5 years, for 3 weeks, etc

·       since diikuti a particular time (waktu tertentu) seperti since I was child, since I came here etc.

Contoh: I have studied English for six semesters.

3. Digunakan dengan negative adverb “never”

Contoh: I have never been to Paris. bukan I did never go to Paris.

4. Ketika menggunakan pola kalimat tanya Present Perfect dengan ever

Contoh: Have you ever won the lottery?

Penanda (adverb) yang umum digunakan pada Present Perfect Tense: before, after, already, yet, for, since, recently, still, time.

Pola Kalimat Present Perfect Tense


  • I/You/We/They + have + verb 3
  • He/She/It + has + verb 3


  • I/You/We/They + have + not + verb 3
  • He/She/It + has + not + verb 3


  • Have + I/You/We/They + verb 3?
  • Has + He/She/It + verb 3?


  1. The lecturer has asked some important questions to me today. ( Dosen telah mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan penting kepada saya hari ini)
  2. My mother has told me to not go anywhere  (Ibu saya telah mengatakan kepada saya untuk tidak pergi ke mana pun)

Contoh Kalimat

Simple Past Tense

  1. Ameera lived in Kuala Simpang when she was a child
  2. Attar visited his grand mother last weekend
  3. Fatima went to Pucok Krueng on last holiday
  4. I met Ammar in the library yesterday
  5. We saw a big monkey on our mango tree in front of our house.
  6. Egra finished her assignment two days ago
  7. My father drank a cup of coffee with his friend in the Ketageh Kupie
  8. Yudi swam with his brother in the swimming pool yesterday
  9. Yuly bought a new dress for her birthday party a few days ago
  10. Fatih sent a letter to his friend last month.

Present Perfect Tense

  1. Ameera has lived in Kuala Simpang since she was a child
  2. Attar has visited his grand mother for several times this weekend
  3. Fatima has gone to Pucok Krueng this year
  4. I have met Ammar in the library
  5. We have ever seen a big monkey on our mango tree in front of our house.
  6. Egra has finished her assignment
  7. My father has drunk a cup of coffee with his friend in the Ketageh Kupie
  8. Yudi has swum with his brother in the swimming pool
  9. Yuly has bought a new dress for her birthday party since a few days ago
  10. Fatih has sent a letter to his friend.

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  Simple Past Tense Gunakan  Simple Past Tense  untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi dan berakhir/selesai dilakukan di waktu lampau pada...