Jumat, 06 Agustus 2021


CAUSE AND EFFECT merupakan ungkapan yang mengandung sebab-akibat. Kalimat ini mengandung unsur sebab-akibat biasanya melibatkan sebuah kegiatan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi, dan akibat dari kegiatan tersebut.

Kata-kata yang menunjukkan kalimat sebab-akibat antara lain:

  • Due to
  • Because of
  • Owing to
  • Thanks to
  • As a consequence of
  • As a result of
  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • For
  • etc.

Untuk mengekspresikan cause dan effect dalam bahasa inggris, kalimat atau frasa di atas biasanya akan diikuti dengan kata benda (noun) atau kata kerja (verb).

A. Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh noun

Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan noun atau noun phrase biasanya menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :

Because of
Thanks to
As a result of
Due to
As a consequence of
Owing to

Di contoh berikutnya noun atau noun phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab atau cause selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phaseseperti contoh di atas. Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:

Signal word/ phrase








Signal word/phrase




1. Due to Bella’s nervousness, she did not pass the driving test.

Karena kegugupan Bella, dia tidak lulus ujian menyetir.

Signal phrase: due to
Cause: Bella’s nervousness
Effect: She did not pass the driving test

2. He’s always late because of his gaming habits

Dia selalu telat karena kebiasaan bermain game-nya.

Signal phrase: Because of
Cause: His gaming habits
Effect : He’s always late

3. As a result of the rain, we canceled the outing.

Karena hujan, kita membatalkan pikinik itu.

Signal phrase: As a result of
Cause: the rain
Effect : we canceled the outing

4. Dennis could not sing owing to his sore throat

Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya

Signal phrase: owing to
Cause: his sore throat
Effect : Dennis could not sing

5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance

Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya.

Signal phrase: as a consequence of
Cause: her ignorance
Effect : She was dismissed

B. Kalimat sebab-akibat yang diikuti oleh verb

Kata sebab akibat yang diikuti dengan subjek + verb atau verb phrase biasanya menggunakan kata atau frasa (signal word/phase) seperti :


Di contoh berikutnya subjek + verb atau verb phrase akan digaris bawahi. Sebab atau cause selalu ditulis setelah frasa sebab-akibat (signal word/phaseseperti contoh di atas. Di bawah ini adalah pola yang biasa digunakan:

Signal word/ phrase








Signal word/phrase




1. Because Bella was nervous, she did not pass the driving test

Karena Bella gugup, dia tidak lulus ujian tes mengemudi.

Signal phrase: because
Cause: Bella was nervous
Effect: She did not pass the driving test

2. He’s always late because he always stay up at night

Dia selalu telat karena dia selalu begadang

Signal phrase: Because
Cause: he always stay up at night
Effect : He’s always late

3. The outing was canceled since it’s raining

Piknik itu dibatalkan karena hujan.

Signal phrase: since
Cause: it’s raining
Effect : the outing was canceled

4. Dennis could not sing for his throat is sore

Dennis tidak bisa bernyanyi karena sakit tenggorakanya

Signal phrase: for
Cause: his throat is sore
Effect : Dennis could not sing

5. She was dismissed as a consequence of her ignorance

Dia diberhentikan karena ketidaktahuanya.

Signal phrase: as a consequence of
Cause: her ignorance
Effect : She was dismissed


Complete the sentence by filling in a cause or an effect. Circle/decide what cause or effect is.

Lengkapi kalimat dengan mengisi sebuah kalimat atau frasa/klausa (cause)/akibat (effect). Lingkari/tentukan apakah itu cause/effect.

1| Shendy did not go to school because ……….……….………. 

2| Due to ……….……….………., Fuzi was late for work again. 

3| If ……….……….………., there won’t be enough space in the car. 

4| Nurhayati works late every Friday so that ……….……….………. 

5| Since Romel’s parents found out about the party he hosted without their permission, ……….……….………. 

6| Owing to ……….……….………, the tickets were all sold out. 

7| Because of waking up late, Leni ……….……….………. 

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